Abilities represent the culture of a race through specific bonuses and access to certain planet types.
and introduce many dependencies of improvements and technologies on abilities. uses abilities to control access to certain citizens. restricts access to some governments behind abilities.
Abilities are distinct from traits in that traits modify a single statistic, while an ability can have broader and more fundamental effects on gameplay.
List[ | ]
The table below summarizes the abilities. For technologies and improvements specific to an ability, the table only includes the root of a technology branch or base of an improvement progression.
Name | Description | Requirements |
Adaptable | Can colonize tier 1 extreme worlds | |
Can colonize s, Aquatic Worlds and Frozen Worlds Barren World | ||
Enables the Precursor Archive player wonder | or | |
Aeroponics | Enables the Aeroponic Farm improvement | or |
Amphibious |
Ancient |
+10 upon arriving at an Researchanomaly |
or | |
Enables the Unity government | ||
Angry | Start with a Cutter | |
Bureaucrats | +10 Administrators | |
Enables the Coordination Temple technology | or | |
Enables the Theocracy government | ||
Certain |
or | |
Enables Free Market improvement (bug? probably meant Traders) | ||
Chaotic | Grants two free random technologies at the beginning of each technology age, starting with Age of War | Villains of Star Control: Origins DLC |
Colonizers | First improvement on all new colonies is free | |
No free improvement; colony ships refund 1 when colonizing a new world Administrators | ||
Conquerors |
+100% Soldiering | ||
Cybernetic | Enables the Mechanic | |
Devout |
No bonus; start with a AdministratorsCleric | ||
Enables The Path, Jihad, The Path of Shadows and Krynniac Conversion technologies | or | |
Determined |
+5 Ship Range |
Diplomatic |
+1 Diplomacy Bonus |
or | |
Discreet | Receives a free random tier 1 mercenary every game, when they first encounter the Galactic Bazaar | |
Divine Guardian |
Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC |
Engineers | Shipyard and Asteroid Mine production decays at half of the normal rate | |
Experienced | All ships receive 25% more from battle Experience Points | |
Exterminators |
Federation | Starts with Universal Translator and Interstellar Alliances technologies | Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC |
Heroic |
Hopeful |
+1 Morale |
Intuitive | Starts with +250 Research | |
Starts with only +50 Research | ||
or | |
Imperial | Ships in own Zone of Control gain additional per controlled colony Hit Points | Villains of Star Control: Origins DLC |
Inventive |
Knowledgeable | Starts knowing the location of other homeworlds | |
Enables Gravitonics tech tree | or | |
Mitosis | Receives free points for each existing nearby colony when colonizing a new world Administrators | Villains of Star Control: Origins DLC |
Needy |
+2 for every civilization that loves them (up to a maximum of +10) Morale |
Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC |
Paranoid | Free drones defend planets, shipyards and starbases | |
Enables Molecular Fabrication technology tree | or | |
Prolific | +50% upon colonization Population | |
+50% Growth | ||
Ravenous | Receive fresh from each victorious battle (spoils after 25 turns if unused) Food | Villains of Star Control: Origins DLC |
Resourceful | Starts with +2 and Durantium+2 Hyper Silicates | |
Scavengers | +25% Scavenger's Chance | Revenge of the Snathi DLC |
Enables Recovery and Vicious technologies | Revenge of the Snathi DLC and either or | |
Silicon Based |
Slavers |
or | |
Disables Engineering Center, Resupply Center, Colonization Center, Virtual Vacation, Entertainment Capital improvements | ||
Sneaky | ||
Starfaring | ||
or | |
Synthetic |
Time Travelers | Starts with Eminence, Large Scale Construction and Stellar Folding technologies | |
Enables Dimensional Weapons and Dimensional Phasing technologies | or | |
Traders |
Start with Freighter | ||
or | |
Unrelenting | Invasions never cost Credits | |
+1 Influence Growth | ||
Unshackled |
+30% , All Weapons+30% , Accuracy+30% when fighting DodgeSynthetic ships |
Heroes of Star Control: Origins DLC |
Unwavering | +20 Rebellion Points | |
Enables the Unbroken Spirit technology | or | |
Vigilant | ||
and either or | |
Enables Temple of Valor improvement | and | |
War Profiteers |
+200% when trading with a civilization at war Credits |
Warriors |
or |
Enables Temple of Valor improvement | ||
Wealthy |
Xenophobic |
Enables Dream Conclave improvement | or | |
Zealots |
+15 to dominant ideology upon conquering a planet |
Renamed to Slavers by |
Removed[ | ]
The following abilities were removed for the final release but still remain within the game's code.
- Patriotic (Immune to the large empire Approval penalty)