Galactic Civilizations III Wiki
Galactic Civilizations III Wiki

Ideology defines whether an empire is Benevolent, Pragmatic, or Malevolent. Each of the three ideologies has twenty abilities or bonuses divided into four tiers of similar theme. Ideological traits are unlocked primarily by using points amassed through making event choices or building colony improvements.

Minor point sources[]

With Intrigue, certain governments yield ideology points. The mercenary LL-88 yields Malevolent points on every victory.



This ideology will generally improve Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Research Spending Stat Icon Research, Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Approval Stat Icon Morale, Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Influence Stat Icon Influence, and colonization.

Outreach Pioneering
Grants Unrecognized icon nameColonyShip Icon Colony ship
Grants class 10 planet
Colonies start with +2 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Population Stat Icon Population
Extra tile for each colony
Grants class 16 planet
Affinity Elevated
Unlocks Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Approval Stat Icon Elevation Foundation
+50% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Approval Stat Icon Morale on homeworld
+5 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Approval Stat Icon Morale on first five colonies
+0.1 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Resistance Icon Resistance
+50% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Approval Stat Icon Morale on all colonies
Prominence Eminence
Unlocks Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Influence Stat Icon Missionary Center
+50% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Influence Stat Icon Influence Growth
Culture flip all planets or starbases in our ZOC
+1 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Influence Stat Icon Influence Growth for starbases
+25% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Influence Stat Icon Influence Growth for all colonies
Enlightenment Educated
Grants 150 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Research Spending Stat Icon Research
+10% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Research Spending Stat Icon Research
Unlocks Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Research Spending Stat Icon Temple of Enlightenment
Grants 300 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Research Spending Stat Icon Research
Quantum Leap
+5 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Research Spending Stat Icon Research, grants 600 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Research Spending Stat Icon Research


This ideology will generally improve defense, Starbases, Trade, and Diplomacy.

Vigilant Prepared
Unlocks Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Productive Ability Icon Preparedness Center
Grants favored
Enemy ships in our ZOC receive -25% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 ShipRange Icon Ship Range, -25% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 SensorRange Icon Sensor Power
Grants a Unrecognized icon nameCutter Icon Cutter, Unrecognized icon nameDefender Icon Defender, and Unrecognized icon nameGunboat Icon Gunboat to all colonies
+1 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Generic Stat Icon Interceptor Fighters Cap in ZOC
Builder Constructive
Grants 3 Unrecognized icon nameConstructor Icon Constructor
-50% Shipyard Decay
+2 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Starbase Range Icon Starbase Range
+0.1 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Mining Icon Mining
Starbases have no maintenance cost
Traders Exporters
+1 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Trade Revenue Stat Icon Trade Licenses Max, grants a Unrecognized icon nameFreighter Icon Freighter
+25% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Generic Stat Icon Trade Route Value
Unlocks luxury trade routes
+1 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Generic Stat Icon Trade Route Diplomacy
+0.25 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Generic Stat Icon Diplomatic Trade Value
Negotiator Neutral
Immune to War for 50 turns
+1 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Diplomatic Trait Icon Diplomacy Bonus
Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Influence Stat Icon Arbitration Center
Angers Others When in War
Neutral factions declare war on invader of our homeworld


This ideology will generally improve offense, Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Productive Ability Icon Social Construction, Unrecognized icon nameGC3 S Military Manufacturing Icon Ship Construction, and power projection.

Aggression Militaristic
Grants a Unrecognized icon nameFrigate Icon Frigate
+10% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Approval Stat Icon Morale upon first conquering a planet
Grants 3 Unrecognized icon nameTransport Icon Transport
Unlocks Unrecognized icon nameTransport Icon Advanced Transport Module
Grants an Unrecognized icon nameOverlord Icon Overlord to every colony
Motivation Intimidating
Unlocks Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Approval Stat Icon Intimidation Center
+10 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Productive Ability Icon All Construction on homeworld
+10% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 S Military Manufacturing Icon Ship Construction on homeworld
Unlocks Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Productive Ability Icon Death Furnace
+20% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Raw Production Icon Raw Production
Greed Uncharitable
+10% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Saving Stat Icon Gross Income
Extra tile on first five worlds
Unlocks Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Saving Stat Icon Citadel of Revenue
Slave masters
Unlocks slave trade routes
Extra tile on every colony
Awe Scary
No Shared Borders Penalty
+0.2 Unrecognized icon nameGC3 Generic Stat Icon Minors Diplomatic Trade Value
-25% Unrecognized icon nameGC3 HitPoints Icon Hit Points to enemy ships in ZOC
Grants class 15 planet
Grants Immune to Culture Flip



Ideologies increase in power from left to right along each tier. Initially, only the first (leftmost) ideology in each tier is unlocked. To unlock the next ideology in a tier, it is necessary to purchase the preceding ideology. The first ideology adopted costs 10 points, and each subsequently adopted ideology costs 10 points more than the last (across all tiers). Thus, it usually makes sense to focus on a small number of tiers (potentially across alignments) before costs become prohibitive.

Galaxy Size and Density of Occupation[]

The primary means to gain ideology points is the colonization process and the building of ideology producing buildings (which need be unlocked in the ideology table before they can be used). If playing a small galaxy you may have few choices and they should be made with the understanding that you will be very unlikely to be able to unlock ideologies further into a particular section. On the other hand, in a not too densely populated immense galaxy you may be able to unlock an entire table. Plan accordingly. In any event a critical issue is whether you can unlock the buildings that give ideology points over time. If so you will get a steady, if slow stream of points; but if you cannot reach them to unlock you obtain nothing.

Time Dependent Value of Some Ideology Items[]

Some ideology features vary a great in value depending on when they are unlocked. For example, Enticing forces all colonies and starbases in your ZOC to convert to your faction. It is important to realize that this is a one-shot, one-time opportunity. Only enemy starbases and colonies in your ZOC at the time this bonus is unlocked will be affected. Thus, if there are few or no enemy starbases or colonies in your ZOC unlocking this trait is not helpful. On the other hand, unlocked at an appropriate time it can be a massive game-changer. If you have a few colonies that you are just beginning to influence and if there are major or minor mining or other starbases in your ZOC the balance of power in the galaxy can change instantly. Thus full awareness of the ideology table and its consequences at a particular point in the game is potentially vital.
