Galactic Civilizations III Wiki

05/19/2015 Raw production numbers on the tooltip during gameplay are not actually the raw production numbers, as influence directly affects raw production without displaying this information. The effect of influence on total raw production is not mentioned in the description of influence on the tooltip either.

05/15/2015 The production calculation given is deceptive. The equation makes it look like total production = population in billions. I have corrected the equation to show the correct P=2*p^.7

17/05/2015 This formula seems to be way off. In my game I have a planet with population of 5, yet total production (before it's split to research/manufacturing/wealth) is 14. 14 is certainly not 2*5^0.7 I suspect that there are some other parameters in this formula.

05/18/2015 I tried to analyze the actual production formula back in March. Probably need to revisit this, but I was suprised to find out that 2*p^0.7 didn't seem to work, since those seem to be the numbers in the defs. Here is my post from then:

March 5, 2015 10:13:48 PM from Galactic Civilizations III Forums Galactic Civilizations III Forums OK. it looks like

raw prod = (2.1 * (raw pop)^.75 +pop capital bonus) * (1 + production bonuses) gives answers that a fairly close to the results displayed in the game for half a dozen colonies from the above mentioned saved game.

  • in this case the only production bonus is from high approval. Note: bonuses labelled manufacturing are not used to calculate raw production. In each cash manufacturing and social were both set to 100%. To calculate raw manufacturing or research in other cases you need to apply the respective % from the wheel.

To wit:

raw pop/ prod bonus (capital)/ approval bonus%/ calc raw man/ displayed raw man

1.4 4 25 8.16 8.1

2.2 4 25 9.74 9.3

8.3 4 25 17.8 18.5

13.3 4 19.5 22.5 22.6

19.3 4 25 25.3 26.9

20.1 8 25 34.9 35.2

The results are fairly good. I am a little troubled that they are not spot on, but the display of the raw pop is probably rounded. Not sure that explains some of the differences, but in any event they aren't large. I used the calculator in scientific mode that microsoft windows provides, who knows if they can do an exponential calculation right! Don't know why I would like to see them come out to the last significant figure, it's the scientist in me I guess.

The take home is that higher populations do indeed provide less base production, as is generally known.

As I say, I will take another look.

The above is not quite correct, as was pointed out to me (and I have to say Duh, I knew better) by JoeBall123 in the post

I have attempted to correct the current economy entry to reflect this. I might suggest that other "flat" and "percentage" bonuses to Total Manufacturing be given as examples, but that's a questionable complication to a complicated post anyway, so I am not sure.

Is the Total Manufacturing bonus for a Durantium refinery 2? If so it has been changed, used to be 1. I will check this and return. Answer: yes it is... apparently 1.03 change or I just plain missed it. Also, I have decided to add in a couple examples of typical percentage boosts to help clarify things. On the whole I think this is appropriate.
